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Dads Carpool Karaoke

As I prepare for a 5 hour drive to our Christmas holiday destination I started to think about how we could make the journey a little more entertaining & fun.

This years holiday destination we have not been to before – we hired a caravan and purchased a tent for my daughter and her friend. Its looking to be a fun trip along the Murray River in Victoria. I’ve made a list and …yes checked it twice?

  • Extra tent pegs
  • Gas bottle filled
  • 2 decks of cards
  • Eski
  • Camp stove
  • Chargers
  • Torch
  • Beach Towels
  • etc etc

It got me thinking about the 5 hour drive, off the back of the YouTube sensation Carpool Karaoke, I put together some of the kids favorite songs and included some of mine too 🙂 The car trip will take on a whole new vibe.

  • Mariah Carey – All I want for Christmas
  • Passenger – Let her go
  • Katy Perry – Roar
  • Katy Perry – California Gurls
  • Justin Bieber – Where are U now
  • Justin Bieber – Love yourself
  • Justine Bieber – Let me love you
  • Elton John – Your Song
  • Elton John – Candle in the wind
  • Eagles – Hotel California
  • Bruno Mars – 24K Magic
  • Black Eyed Peas – I gotta feeling
  • Beyonce – Halo
  • Beyonce – All the single ladies
  • Bob Marley – No Women no Cry

Now that should keep us busy for a few kilometers 🙂 The trick will be getting the girls to sing along? I’m sure they will warm up when they see Dad ripping a tune! or not? It will be entertaining and worth the memory.

I copied the lyrics from a google site and put them into a word doc, gave it a logo and headline and  bounded enough copies for everyone in the car, so no one will miss out LOL

Research your next car online

researchig your next car onlineUsually, cars are considered the second biggest expense, the first one being housing. We either love cars or we don’t, either way, we have to buy them at some point and while doing so we encounter confusion, unnecessary hurdles and problems. We end up spending a lot of time going between dealers asking questions, some of which are unnecessary.

Buying a car can be a very tiring and irritating task to do with all the different models available. According to a survey conducted on the process of buying cars, the most hated step was negotiating the price, which is obviously not at all surprising. Maybe, the reason for a large population being so uninterested in buying a car is the fact that the process of buying a car is stressful and uncomfortable because a lot of people don’t know the difference between the models, or have a good idea of how the vehicle has been performing on the road.

So, the question is, can there be a way to get a good understanding of a make and model before stepping into a dealership or buying a second hand car online. The answer is, yes there is a way. With technology advancing and the internet being the core of all things, nowadays almost everything can be researched and reviewed online. This will save you a lot of time and hopefully money.

There are websites that can help you review a make and model, my favourite being They have hundreds of reviews that can help you decide the type of car you want to buy. A lot of information is provided in their reviews, such as the price, quality, colour and design of the car, power of the engine, it’s practicality, economical advantages and drawbacks. All of this information can be very beneficial to have before buying a car.

The best part about researching a car online is that you do not need to worry about the weather because you will be sitting inside on a couch or your local cafe, probably drinking a cup of coffee or having a beer. These types of websites even offer video tutorials, new car launches, comparisons and general news on the manufacturer.

So, what are you waiting for? research your next car, now.

Dads saving dollars by DIY at home

Dads saving dollars by DIY at homeYou don’t need to have a huge knowledge about cars and their parts to maintain a car. A little bit of knowledge and some DIY can save you from spending hundreds of dollars. You can use scheduled maintenance guides, fact sheets and watch instructional videos on YouTube to familiarise yourself with cars, their parts, tools, and accessories. There is a brand new website called Partsales that allows consumers to conveniently purchase parts and accessories that fit their car. All you have to do is enter your vehicle’s make, model, and year into their compatibility tool and you’re on your way. It is definitely a site to visit if you’re in the market for parts and accessories.
Dads saving money at home DIY

With a simple set of basic tools, you can easily replace and repair parts on your vehicle that a mechanic would happily charge you big dollars for. Let’s discuss some easy ways by which you can keep up your car in a very good condition.

  1. How to change your brake pads

Brake shops and mechanics charge hundreds of dollars for changing your brake pads but you will be surprised to know that this is a very simple job and you can do it by yourself. Industry has made a mind set for others that it’s a very tough job to change brake pads but they are much easier to supersede than those old drum brakes. First of all you must have a jack, wheel lung wrench and a jack stand to get under the car and to change or replace the brakes. You must be having pliers and some wrenches also.

Your new brake pads will cost a fraction of the price by DIY although you can compare the prices in market. Lift the wheel off first of all and move out the hardware. Draw out the broken pads and press in the caliper piston. Put in the new pads and set up the hardware again. It will take only one hour to do all wheels.

  1. How to replace the battery?

Among several DIY repairs, replacement of the battery is the easiest one. A battery normally lasts for 5-6 years . If your battery needs to be changed, pick a battery according to your car’s model. You need a set of basic wrenches to swap the battery. You must be careful about the order of the cables you remove and reinstall. Remove the black cable having negative charge first and set up the battery. After replacing the battery install the black cable in last. If you don’t follow the order you will experience a short circuit in the positive terminal of your car.

How to replace spark plugs?

Replacing spark plugs is another very easy task which you can do by yourself. A spark plug wrench is used along the set of regular tools to replace spark plugs. You can search online and use the cars make and model, which can be found in the owner’s manual. This is another great DIY task that will save you a lot of money.

  1. How to interchange a taillight?

Its always a great idea to walk around the car every so often just to confirm that all parts of the car are working properly and they don’t need a repair or replacement. If your vehicle’s headlight or taillight is not working it can affect your safety not to mention your insurance invalid. You will need a person to check the taillight. If any of your car’s light is not working you can easily replace it with the new one. You can find them online too. It’s always best to use cotton or plastic gloves when handling bulbs.

  1. Replacement of air filters

Dealerships and mechanics usually increase the bill by the replacement of air filters with labor and high cost of air filters. Air filters can be fixed quickly and leisurely. In the replacement process, open up the bonnet of the vehicle and with a couple of screws turned and filters interchanged you can save your time and dollars.

There are so many parts and accessories that I’m sure you can DIY by just having a go and a little confidence. Good luck!

Travelling with children: on a road trip

traveling with childrenAnyone with young children will know that whilst holidays are a fantastic opportunity to ‘get away from it all’ and spend quality time together.  Sometimes the stress of the journey to get there can make you question whether it’s worth all the effort!

Car journeys become arduous tasks filled with cries of ‘are we nearly there yet’ and numerous toilet stops, and travelling by public transport can be an embarrassing experience, particularly if your children take a liking (or dislike) any of your fellow passengers.

Here is a handy guide to keeping your little ones happy and content during the journey to and from your destination:


Taking the time to talk to your children about where you’re going before you set off is a great idea.  Explain to them in simple terms how long the journey is likely to take (for example, it’s a little bit further than grandpa’s house).  If they’re old enough, show them a map of where you’re going and talk about the journey, and some of the sights they’re likely to see during the journey.

In Car Entertainment

Children have a very short attention span so having a few interactive and interesting games up your sleeve to play during the journey is essential.  Traditional games like eye spy and the number plate game are still popular, but be creative!  Why not all take it turns to make up part of a story, or play a guessing game – the list is endless.

Alternatively, on-board DVD players and handheld games consoles offer a good way to keep little ones happy and content.  CD’s of your children’s favourite stories are also popular ways to keep both children, and parents calm and entertained.

Keep Refreshed

One of the most common complaints from children when travelling is that they are either hungry or thirsty.  Stopping at service stations to re-fuel can work out costly, and you will then often be limited to sugary snacks and drinks that wont help to keep your children calm!

Fill a box with healthy snacks, such as bread sticks, fruit, cheese and flapjacks, and pack several bottles of water or fruit juice.  These should keep the hunger pains at bay.

Be Flexible

When you have children, gone are the days of having a set agenda where you leave the house, and reach your destination at a set time.  Children have their own agenda, and with all the best will in the world you need to be flexible to deal with the unexpected – or allow yourself lots of extra time. 

Being flexible and prepared should take the stress out of dealing with emergency or unforeseen situations.  Organising your insurance through a reputable and helpful company like Expedia means you’ll be covered should the unexpected happen.  

Things you might forget when planning a road trip

Things You Might Forget When Planning a Road TripOnce you have decided on that once in a lifetime road trip across the country, there is little you can do other than dream about your perfect getaway. But before you get lost in the clouds, come back down to earth and plan your trip properly before you go. This is ensure fewer obstacles and more time spent enjoying your adventure. Follow this simple guide and make sure you don’t forget anything important when planning your next road trip.

Things change

You may plan your trip down to the last minute and have your entire route committed to memory but the first rule of a road trip is; things change. You should always allow for some leeway here and there so that if things so go slightly awry, it won’t mess up your whole schedule.

Make a list

Pretty much everyone who plans a trip will make at least one list at some point. The problem is, if you forget something from the list, chances are you will forget it for your trip too. The best advice is to carry your list and a pen wherever you go in the months before your trip so that if you suddenly remember something, you can write it down there and then.

Research, research, research!

Whether you are planning your trip based upon logical, rational reasoning or throwing darts at a map, you need to research where and when you are going in advance. Some places will only be accessible during certain times of the year and weather conditions can affect your journey as well. It is best to spend a few hours researching each place you intend to visit so that you can work out a route that suits your needs best.

Appropriate clothing

If you are planning a summer trip, you are probably packing your shorts, swimwear and sunglasses, but take a moment and think about this. Are you going to be doing any activities that require special clothing? Indoor or artificial skiing will require proper clothing to protect you, while a stop-off in a major city may mean you want to wear something fancy for a night out.

Insurance and breakdown

Picking the perfect vehicle for your adventure is simple really, but finding the right insurance, breakdown cover and recovery service can be a nightmare. As well as being expensive, you need to make sure your insurance covers everything and everyone who is on the trip.