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A Christmas message from Victorian Counselling and Psychological Services

VCPSChristmas time and the holiday season can be a challenging period for single fathers.  When families are getting together and sharing experiences, those in separated families can experience loneliness and isolation.

It is important to ensure that you have some events scheduled with others who are supportive of your situation. You should plan your schedule in advance to include activities that you can look forward to.

You could create a list of others who are supportive of your situation including single fathers, members of your family, your children and friends. Then take the initiative to invite these people into your life over the holiday period; don’t just wait and hope to be invited by others.

You should also ensure that you have some activities just for yourself, especially if you are having time of from work. Whilst the holiday season can be a well earned break for some, others feel lost and isolated without their work routine.

It is also important to have time with your children and that you plan this in advance with others involved in your child’s care.  If you are stuck for ideas, you could look at “Kids” section of the following web site

The new year period is also a good time to check in with yourself regarding your overall emotional health. An excellent place to start is the website where you can download a free e-book – “Your guide to good mental health”.

By Robert Luzza
Psychologist & Director
Victorian Counselling & Psychological Services

