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Create an outdoor play space for your Kids

childrens vege garden90% of our best childhood memories take place outdoors. You might have seen the recent video circulating on social media which depicts empty play parks, childless swings, and scenes of kids plugged in to their electronic devices. For many parents, this is a worrying picture demonstrating the divide between the childhood that many parents of today enjoyed when they were children.

Where children used to rush outside the moment they arose in the mornings, it now falls upon parents to encourage them to get out into the world, and away from their screens. One way to inspire these young minds is to create spaces that they will be drawn to, and to make the outside (screen-less) world more attractive for them. Here are some awesome outdoor play spaces that will inspire your children to put the screen down, and see what’s happening in the real world.

Undercover Sandbox
Let’s face it, kids love sand, and will play in a sandbox for hours if you let them. An undercover sandbox will provide them with a space that is all their own, and where they can play for hours, covered from the sun and elements. A sandbox provides an important opportunity for children to use their imagination and stretch their neuropath ways to new discoveries about the world around them.  Additions Building have loads of different ideas for semi enclosing outdoor spaces to make these areas more accessible.

When the weather is wet or cold, it often deters children (and parents) from getting out amongst the great outdoors. If you live in a particularly cool climate, or the weather is often not the best, an enclosed outdoor area can make all the difference to having a space to play, while still being close to nature. Not only will a sun room provide a safe, warm space where the children can play (and make a mess!), but it means that it’s still a controlled environment where parents know that their children cannot get up to too much mischief.

Fairy Garden
What little girl (or boy) does not dream about a fairy garden at some point in their childhood? Making a fairy garden is one sure-fire way to get the kids into the outdoors, and can be achieved quite easily with a little imagination and planning. Old logs can become seats, and thin material can be hung from the trees to produce an enchanted garden effect. For people who do not want to spend too much money check out the second hand shops and flea markets for anything you can think to add to the fairy garden, and get the kids involved! It’s an experience they will never forget!

Childrens Veggie Garden
Encouraging children to take an interest in the food they eat, and where it comes from, is a great way to get the kids into the outdoors. Involve them in the process of building the garden, and get them to pick out veggies that they like to eat. You could inspire a lifelong love of growing their own food from seed to plate.

What inspires your children’s’ imagination? What other outdoor play spaces can you think of that will encourage your children to get out of the house and into the fresh air?